Wednesday 18 February 2015


Temperature is the degree of hotness or coldness of a place, determined by the amount of energy from the sun that reaches the Earth. Energy from the sun travels through the atmosphere and the earth surface absorb the energy and warm up, in turn heats the atmosphere. In the study of weather, 20°C and above is considered high temperature; 10°C and below is considered low temperature. A temperature range of more than 15°C is considered a large temperature range while a  temperature range of less than 10°C is considered a small temperature range
Mean daily temperature is the sum of total hourly temperature divided by 24
Diurnal temperature range is the difference between the maximum and minimum temperatures recorded in a day
Mean monthly temperature is the sum of total daily temperature divided by the number of days in the month
Mean annual temperature  is the sum of total monthly temperature divided by 12
Annual temperature range is the difference between the maximum mean monthly temperature and the minimum mean monthly temperature in the year

Factors Affecting Temperature


Example, in Singapore(With a latitude of 1°N), the temperature range from 24°C to 34°C
In South Korea(With a latitude of between 33°N and 39°N), the temperature range from -20°C to more than 30°C
In Antarctic(With a latitude of between 63.5°S and 90°S), the temperature range from less than -80°C to more than 5°C

Temperature decreases with increasing altitude

Generally, every increase in 1000 m of altitude results in the temperature to decrease by 6.5°C

Explanation 1

Explanation 2
Longwave radiation emitted by the Earth's surface is being absorbed by greenhouse gases. When greenhouse gases absorb the heat emitted, the heat is trapped and this warms the atmosphere. There is more greenhouse gas near the Earth's surface as they are denser than air, so there is more heat absorbed by the greenhouse gases near the Earth's surface. Therefore, it is warmer at lower altitude

Explanation 3

The air is less dense at higher altitudes. Less dense air absorbs lesser heat emitted from the Earth's surface through Longwave radiation compared to dense air. Therefore, at higher altitude, where the air is less dense, lesser heat is absorbed, so it is cooler at higher altitude

Example, at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro, the temperature is around 19.5°C. However, at it's peak, 5895m high, the temperature is around -18.8°C

Distance from the sea

Example, in Anchorage, Alaska(A city at the coastal area of Alaska), the temperature ranges from 14°C to -9°C
In Fairbanks, Alaska(A city at the inland area of Alaska), the temperature ranges from 16°C to -24°C
Cloud Cover
Example, in Singapore(With a cloud cover of 90%), the daily temperature range is from 24°C to 34°C
In the Atacama Desert(With a cloud cover of nearly 0%), the daily temperature range is from -0.5°C to 47°C


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